Curtin is a globally recognised leader in entrepreneurship and innovative education. Our mission is to support more and create more entrepreneurs by providing every student, staff and Alumnus with an entrepreneurial experience.
Curtin University

Educating tomorrow’s entrepreneurs
Support from the MALKA Foundation has allowed Curtin to expand its entrepreneurship pipeline approach and to enable greater access to quality entrepreneurship programs, from the curious stage, right through to scale up. Curtin’s suite of entrepreneurship programming and initiatives have increased due to Malka support and access to these programs, particularly for young students, has been unlocked.
Working with the Malka Foundation has raised Curtin’s ambitions beyond our existing entrepreneurship programs to how we might contribute to a systematic approach to creating a more entrepreneurial community and diversified economy that will support future generations of prosperity.
Rohan McDougall, Director of IP Commercialisation, Curtin University